Monday, April 27, 2009


Hey guys! Here is a pic of Twinkle running around in her ball.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Twinkle In Her Ball

Here is a video of Twinkle in her ball.


Okay guys! Today Kaylen and I promise to take many pics and upload them to the blog. We will go do that right now. Thank you!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Hey guys! Today I let Twinkle run around in her ball. I'm trying to work on uploading the videos but it's not working so far. I'll be sure to take more pics... It's just that my camera battery has been dead for a while and I haven't got around to charging it. Tomorrow I'm hoping to clean her cage and will post with my friend and Twinkle's co-owner! I'll go charge my camera before I forget... =D

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Refresh your memories!

Hey guys! Sorry we haven't posted in forrrrreeeeeeeverrr!!!!! We decided we are going to get all of Twinkle's websites up and running and will hopefully get to update the blog everyday! Also, go onto Youtube to see all of The Adventures of Twinkle the Hamster!! We will upload these videos onto the blog so you don't have to spend all the time searching for the videos. :D Please leave comments! Oh and also, send us some e-mails of ideas we can do for our videos. Kaylen and I have run out of inspiration. So, check back and see what Twinkle's been up to! Thanks!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I've been busy with school and all that! Anyways, I will start up again by posting more blogs about Twinkle! I have a big story about her surgery she got... She had a tumor. I went very well and she has been her normal self! I cleaned her cage today and everything is great! =D Be prepared for more exciting stories to come!

~Leave us some comments~

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sorry for the double pic but it wouldn't let me take it off!